Civil Engineering Solved Problems, Eighth Edition
Civil Engineering Solved Problems includes more than 370 problem scenarios representing a broad range of Civil PE exam topics. Each scenario's associated problems demonstrate related concepts and allow you to apply your knowledge of relevant theory and equations.
The breadth of topics covered and the varied problem complexities allow you to assess and strengthen your problem-solving skills, regardless of which afternoon depth exam you choose to take. Where applicable, problems and solutions also reference the exam's design standards, so you can become familiar with and identify which will be most useful on exam day. For all problems, detailed step-by-step solutions illustrate accurate and efficient solving methods.
Civil Engineering Solved Problems will help you to:
- Effectively familiarize yourself with the exam topics
- Successfully connect relevant engineering theories to challenging problems
- Efficiently navigate through exam-adopted codes and standards
- Quickly identify accurate and efficient problem-solving approaches
Topics Covered:
- Water Resources: Fluid Mechanics; Hydraulic Machines; Open Channel Flow; Hydrology; Water Supply
- Geotechnical: Soils; Foundations
- Environmental: Wastewater
- Structural: Concrete; Steel; Timber; Masonry; Bridge Design
- Transportation: Transportation; Surveying
- Systems, Management, and Professional: Engineering Economic Analysis