BNi Maintenance Manager's Standard Manual, Sixth Edition
Since it was first published in 1993, the Maintenance Manager's Standard Manual has indeed become the STANDARD reference in the field.
Over the years it has been continuously revised, and this Sixth Edition brings it completely up to date, incorporating the latest technology and best practices in all aspects of maintenance management.
Whether you are a facilities manager, engineer, property owner, developer, or anyone else responsible for maintenance operations, the Maintenance Manager's Standard Manual is a must-have reference. Not only does it give you all the essential ingredients for understanding and carrying out successful day-to-day management of maintenance activities, it provides you with an integrated plan for continuous improvement of the maintenance function. Teachers, students, and libraries have found it a comprehensive and useful course textbook and reference as well.
Moreover, the new Sixth Edition has been expanded to include essential coverage of such topics as:
• Using data analytics for strategic planning
• Diversity training
• Building safety and security
• Material inventory forecasting
• RFID system planning
• Ultrasonic testing in PdM (predictive maintenance)
• How to use drones to improve your PdM analytics
• How to use Value-Based Reliability to optimize PM/PdM
• Factors to consider when selecting aerial lifts
• Solar energy systems planning
The Maintenance Manager's Standard Manual covers materials planning, preventative maintenance, emergency maintenance, budgeting and expense forecasting, and much more. It even provides you with a complete set of model policies and procedures you can easily edit and adapt for your own organization. What's more, it offers a wealth of computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) tips and techniques to help you gain greater control of your IT infrastructure, plus a detailed look at the new capabilities added to the CMMS to better integrate it with day-to-day shop floor control and performance management.
About the Author
Thomas A. Westerkamp is the Founder, Productivity Network Innovations, LLC. He specialized in maintenance management, information technology, and continuous productivity improvement. In addition to numerous in-plant work management consulting engagements for many Fortune 500 companies, he designed and conducted training seminars, maintenance courses, and designed and implemented integrated computerized maintenance management systems. He is currently Senior Advisor to PNI’s successor firm, Westerkamp Group, LLC, Lisle, Illinois.