Drywall Contracting
Product Code/ISBN: 1557014825
Every community needs drywall specialists who can hang, tape, and texture gypsum drywall.
This practical manual explains what you need to know to operate successfully as a drywall contractor.
It covers the drywall trade:
- Planning and estimating jobs,
- Do's and don'ts of running a drywall contracting business
- How to estimate your work
- Typical man-hour labor costs for most drywall work.
Drywall Contracting explains the tools and materials you should be using to maximize productivity:
- How to measure and mark board
- Different fastening techniques for both wood and metal studs
- Where and how to use blocking and reinforcement
- Multi-ply applications
- Patching and repairs
- Self-supporting partitions
- Joint and surface treatments,
- Installing corner bead and expansion joints
Also explains how to achieve a multitude of different texture finishes.
An excellent chapter on preventing drywall problems is, by itself, worth the price of this book.