Significant Changes to the International Residential Code, 2021 Edition
Want to better understand the most critical updates in the 2021 International Residential Code®? Then this is the reference you've been looking for. It spells them all out clearly and concisely, and includes the real-world application of the changes and how they originated — all in a single, easy-to-use resource.
Significant Changes to the International Residential Code® 2021 Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of significant changes since the 2018 IRC®, offering key insights into its contents and implications. Coverage includes changes made to building, energy, mechanical, fuel gas, plumbing, and electrical provisions. Each change analysis features the affected code sections and identifies the change with strikethroughs and underlines to show modifications to the existing language. Each change is accompanied by a quick summary, detailed illustrations, and discussion of its significance, which brings the technical jargon of the code to life in a real-world setting. The attention to detail, logical organization, and thorough yet concise coverage found in this resource make it an ideal tool for transitioning from the 2018 IRC®.