From Model Codes to the IBC: A Transitional Guide
This unique book brings you user-friendly guidance on the International Building Code -- and shows how its requirements differ, section by section, from the BOCA National Building Code, Uniform Building Code, Standard Building Code, and the National Fire Protection Association International's NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, as well as the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Quick-Find Index lets you instantly identify the IBC equivalent to the model code sections you are familiar with. The Code Comparison highlights the differences between model codes and the IBC -- in an easy-to-read, side-by-side format. The Code Commentary points out issues to watch out for in making the transition to the new international code. With illustrations, abbreviations key, and an extensive Resource section.
Includes Web updates on code revisions and interpretations from the book's own Web site. Purchasers of this book will have access to a dedicated Web site that features code-related articles and updates. This month's topics cover how to set up a fire protection program, designing retrofit fire alarm systems, an update on halon replacement options, and an overview of performance-based design.