North Carolina State Building Code 2018
Product Code/ISBN: 5701L18
The brand-new 2018 North Carolina State Building Code: Building Code is based off the 2015 International Building Code. It includes all the necessary changes, updates, and additions that were made. Getting caught with an old code can lead to unsafe measures and hefty fines so make sure if your business requires it that you have the latest code possible.
Table of Contents
- Scope and Administration
- Definitions
- Use and occupancy Classification
- Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use and Occupancy
- General Building Heights and Areas
- Types of Construction
- Fire and Smoke Protection Features
- Interior Finishes
- Fire Protection Systems
- Means of Egress
- Accessibility
- Interior Environment
- Energy Efficiency
- Exterior Walls
- Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
- Structural Design
- Special inspections and Tests
- Soils and Foundations
- Concrete
- Aluminum
- Masonry
- Steel
- Wood
- Glass and Glazing
- Gypsum Board, Gypsum Panel Products and Plaster
- Plastic
- Emergency and Standby Power Systems
- Mechanical Systems
- Plumbing Systems
- Elevators and Conveying Systems
- Special Construction
- Encroachments into the Public Right-of-Way
- Safeguards During Construction
- Reserved
- Referenced Standards
- Docks, Piers, Bulkheads and Waterway Structures
- Employee Qualifications
- Board of Appeals
- Group U – Agriculture Buildings
- Fire Districts
- Supplementary Accessibility Requirements
- Rodentproofing
- Flood-Resistant Construction
- Signs
- Patio Covers
- Grading
- Administrative Provisions
- Earthquake Recording Instrumentation
- Tsunami-Generated Flood Hazard